Monday 4 November 2013

Paula Scher

During my brainstorming for my graphics block which explored the use of numbers I came across graphic designer Paula Scher. Scher is a American graphic designer, painter and art educator in design. She is also the first female principal at Pentagram which she joined in 1991(Pentagram is a design studio what does work in graphic designidentityarchitectureinteriors, products and architectural projects).

The piece of her work which lead me to her is called 'Level 5' and is pictured to the left. Although not a traditional graphic piece, it is an installation piece which features a large monochrome number 5 in a basic typeface. The piece is large scale and it dominates the majority of the pictorial space.  The photo of the space seems quite square with solid lines and corners whilst the curves of the five soften the image and create a fluid environments encouraging clashing elements to the piece.
What struck me about her style is that she is more creative in her graphic work. She explores the use of installation/architecture making her style dominant and interesting. Graphics is constantly growing in versatility due to our changing society and being one of the most well known graphic artist has to keep up with contemporary ideas.

(Able. A (2009) Hot Or Not? Level 5 by Paula Scher. [Online]. Available: [04/11/13]
Image: [31/10/13]
Wikipedia (2013) Paula Scher. [Online] Available: [01/11/13])

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