Tuesday 22 October 2013

Tara Donovan

During my 3D block I came across Tara Donovan, a site specific American artist who uses everyday items to create highly detailed pieces of work.  Her large scale sculptures feature an item which is usually multiplied and repeated, such as the use of numerous straws or styrofoam cups. As my brief was to reuse found objects, and as I had found numerous mini white cups, I decided to work in a similar style to her. In the end I ended up creating a large 3D sculpture out of mini white sauce cups which I hung from a blank white wall.
Below is one of Donovan's pieces which stood out for me. It is also the piece which influenced my work the most. 'Untitled' was done in 2003 and features many cups which are attached together. Her use of a simple repetition technique creates something deeply complicated of what would be a simple singular object. The overall look of this sculpture is organic as it seems to flow and grow out of one another - somewhat looking like a microorganism of some sort. Her use of lighting in this photographs makes it look clean and fresh and due it its large scale takes up all of the pictorial space of the photograph. 

Donovan is one of the artists so far who has really captured my interest and I would like to explore more of her unique styles in 3D contemporary art and design. her work has not only informed me that a simple object can be made into something complicated due to the sue of repetition, but she has also opened my eyes to the mentally stimulating world of 3D.

Wikipedia (2013) Tara Donovan. [Online] Available: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Tara_Donovan [22/10/2013] 

Image: http://blog.art21.org/wp-content/uploads/2010/04/DONOVAN_portrait_2005_v1-e1270734564405.jpg [22/10/2013]

Image: http://www.acegallery.net/artists/donovan/TD-UntCupsD.jpg [22/10/2013]

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