Monday 7 October 2013

Frieze (No.158 October 2013) Review

I went on and looked at Frieze. In this I found an article on Alan Reid, a New York based artist who combines Fine Art and Fashion into one. He creates "paintings of fashion". Reid likes to paint models and clothing - sometimes references to sex and poetry are present in his work too. 
To the left is one of his canvas (1.7 x 1.2m) pieces done with acrylic and foamcore. Only one subject is present and she is taking up the centre of the pictorial space. She dominates the scene even though both the background colour and her skin tone have an equal light intensity - causing her to somewhat blend into the pale pink exterior. Due to its lighting the image is soft and seductive which her face expression also exerts. Basic line drawings are used for the details of her dress which is the only thing which is monochrome with two cartoon croissants accompanying it.
 I believe the two different aspects of the canvas painting, the realistic fine art painting of the woman and her abstract piece of clothing (fashion), successfully merge and work together well. Reid proves that within contemporary art different aspects over-cross and one doesn't have to stick rigidly to traditional art forms. Reid himself believes that fashion and paintings are dependent on each other rather than being mutually exclusive.
(Howe, D.E. (2013) 'In Focus: Alan Reid', Frieze, Issue 158)

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