Tuesday 8 October 2013

Modern Painters (September 2013)

As my last review covered the topic of Fine Art and Fashion, I decided I would look at a article which focused on Fine Art. I found an article in Modern Painters on Tatiana Blass, a Brazilian artist who focuses on allegories of the break down of communication.
I looked at a screen shot of one of her video pieces produced during 2012. It featured two actresses who were sat in the middle of a white room with tons of spools of different thread attached to them. This takes up a large area and creates an artificial ordered setting. They then decide to move about and create a colourful web of thread in which they cannot escape. This disrupts the order and makes it more of an disturbed asymmetric setting caused by random movements. The screen then ends on dialogue spoken by one of the actresses, "We are in real trouble".
Whilst I do like this piece I don't fully understand her thought process behind it. Nora Abrams, an associate curator at the Museum of Contemporary Art, claims that Blass poses "questions that her work tries to answer", but what her question was for this piece I have yet to understand. Nevertheless, her use of everyday spools being disrupted is a simple yet successful finished piece of contemporary art.

(Hanson, S.P. (2013) 'Waxing Poetic', Modern Painters, September 2013. 

Vimeo (2012) [Online] Avialable:  http://b.vimeocdn.com/ts/353/110/353110207_640.jpg [8th October 2013] )

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