Tuesday 1 October 2013

Novum 10.13 Visual Communication

For my 6th review I looked at  an article on Iwona Przybyla which was in Novum. Iwona creates typographical embroidery (a series of 3D letters organized out of string). She placed this series in a book of hers, which to her surprise, was a huge success. She received positive reactions from everyone who saw the book and was acquired by the Museum Meermanno in Den Haag. Her work is on a smaller scale and is interactive. The letters are geometric in their finished product and normally consist of only one colour on a white pictorial space. Due to the books complex mechanics it appears to be very ordered and mathematical however this is not the case. Iwona is what I would call a very confident artist. She doesn't plan what she is going to do and disregards methodical methods. Instead she 'goes with the flow' - "she realised that experimentation is always the better way".

(Image http://www.designboom.com/weblog/images/images_2/lara/818_images/iwona_90_degree_typography/90%C2%B0_typography08.jpg [01/10]13])

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